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Wednesday 8 April 2020

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday 2020 – Reflection

“Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciple’s feet and to wipe them with the towel that was tied around him. (John 13:5)

My youngest daughter hated anyone touching her feet. It really freaked her out (her words, not mine). Feet come in all different shapes and sizes. Some are soft and supple, some are hard and calloused, some are diseased, some are smelly maybe even sweaty.  Feet are not exactly one of our most enhancing features. 

I wonder what your reaction would have been if on that first Maundy Thursday evening Jesus had said to you, he was going to wash your feet. The disciples were given no notice that Jesus was about to do this. Jesus simply got on with it without any fuss. No time then for the disciples to prepare their feet and make them a little more presentable for their Lord and Master. I would have been mortified if I hadn’t been able to wash my feet first. 

It may have been that the disciple’s feet had already been washed before entering the house as was custom, or their feet might have been dirty from walking in sandals on the dusty roads. It matters not.  What is really important is what lies behind the gesture. The washing of the disciples was an act of love done in humility. The act of feet washing taught the disciples that they are to follow in their master’s footsteps. “Just as I have loved you, you also, should love one another” This has never been more important than it is now with nation after nation, government after government trying to find ways to combat Covid-19. I see God’s love in the heroic efforts of
those who are caring and supporting those affected by Covid-19.
I wonder where do you see God’s love?
Rev’d Christine

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