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Friday 27 March 2020

Good and bad

For just over a week now, I have been using cup analogies for the prompting of spiritual thoughts.  Today I ask you to consider cups in the Bible.  Generally, a cup could either be considered as a good and joyful thing, something filled with blessings, as in, “My cup runneth over”, or it could be seen as a bad thing, something filled with the wrath of God, as in, “Can you drink of the cup that I am to drink of?”

The cup that we currently drink of, i.e. isolation and social distancing, can be seen in two ways.   The reason for the isolation is terrible, and the effects on some can be devastating, but when we are stripped of all that usually occupies our time and our minds, can often be the time when God has space to enter our otherwise frantically busy lives.  News items have shown, not only the dark side of this situation, but also how many young families are spending precious time together, talking, playing and generally making good use of the enforced containment.  God longs to be close to us, even to have fun with us, He is not just some distant judge to be feared or rebelled against, He is a loving heavenly Father who yearns for quality time with His children.

Be very aware of the dangers that we face and be sensible in your actions, but also, make the most of this time that you have to spend with your heavenly Father.

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