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Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Ascension Day Communion

For Ascension Day, I wanted to record a video of Holy Communion in church.  I also wanted you to be able to join in, so I have managed (with help) to combine short videos and a powerpoint presentation with a voice over.  As usual, the communal parts are in bold type.  David sent me this picture and the song that comes after the video, in the hope that I could incorporate them into the video.  Sadly my technical skills haven't stretched that far yet, but I hope you enjoy seeing and hearing all that we have produced.


  1. Thank you for the service. Lovely to see you in church.

  2. Goodness me that was moving,I was welling up. It shows how we miss everything about church.

  3. Brian and Hilary Saxon23 May 2020 at 09:20

    Excellent Service, nice to see conducted in Church Excellent Choir great shame that we have no young children of age in our choir
