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Tuesday 17 November 2020

Midweek musings

Midweek musings

During this second lock down, Dave and I have been visiting our prayer field.  I was surprised one day, on a bright, early morning, to see hundreds of cobwebs that looked like a lacy carpet on the grass.  Here is one, close up and you may be able to see lots of others like a pale topping on the green grass.

It's amazing how the Lord can use the same thing to say something quite different to different people, according to their need.

Dave told me of how he had been concerned about how he would manage a certain situation with limited resources.  Seeing the carpet of cobwebs made him of think of manna in the wilderness, that milk coloured ground covering that was God's provision for His people in need.  This spoke to Dave of his need to let go of concerns because God would provide.  It was just what he needed at that time.

I had been concerned about many things, the death of my Mother, the ongoing devastation of Covid 19 and the life of the church and its people with renewed restrictions.  I was seeing no one from church, no sign of life.  I suddenly got a sense of unseen life, things going on, unseen.  I have never once seen a spider in that field but there must be hundreds of them to produce so many cobwebs.  I may not see my Mother now but that doesn't mean there is no life there, and so with church, just because I don't see people now, doesn't mean that there is no life there.  People are reading spiritual books, doing good deeds for friends, neighbours and relatives; engaging with online worship, spending time in prayer and countless other things that I don't necessarily see.  I needed to be made aware of that and the good Lord opened my eyes and eased my mind.

And what of you?  What does this image say to you?  Perhaps this lock down may be a time to clear away the cobwebs, no, not in your house but in your head or your heart.   Maybe it says something totally different to you.  Ask God to help you to see something around you today, that will speak to you of His provision for you, His love for you, or whatever you need from Him today.

God bless


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