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Wednesday 29 July 2020

Scaling the rocks we face in life

This is a photograph of my Grandson on holiday in Italy, he was six years old at the time and I was amazed, both at his courage and his determination not to be defeated.  As I look at this photograph, I realise that his confidence came from the fact that he knew that his Father was right there with him.

The photograph below shows Robert starting a climb with his Father belaying for him.  Belaying is described as the cornerstone of climbing safety; it involves holding the climbing rope so that the climber is safe if they fall off the rock, it prevents them from hitting the ground.  

In life, we can find ourselves in some rocky places; we can find ourselves on an uphill climb; we can face problems that seem insurmountable.  It's at times like this that we have to take courage from the fact that our heavenly Father is right there with us, encouraging us to keep going and ready to catch if we fall.  It's as if He has an unseen belay rope, that may not prevent our foot from slipping, but will prevent a mighty fall.

Robert had confidence in his Father's care for him, let us show the same confidence in our heavenly Father's care for us when we are in rocky places.

1 comment:

  1. That is very blessed and very thoughtful sharing thanks for sharing.
