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Tuesday 7 July 2020

Doors 2

I spoke last Wednesday about doors, I intend to continue with my musings on different aspects of doors, and what they might mean to us.  I cannot produce a video today because, after often wondering how anyone can manage to drop their mobile phone down the toilet – today I found out!  (So if you’re trying to contact me, I haven’t turned my phone off, it died from drowning.)

Back to doors:

Doors open and close.  When open, they provide passageways from A to B.  If you’re on the outside, an open door can convey a sense of welcome;an invitation to enter. If you’re on the inside, an open door can convey a sense of release, freedom or adventure.  When closed, doors offer protection and privacy, but they can also make you feel imprisoned.  There is a potential power to doors.  We can use them as barriers, they can give us a sense of control as we shut people or things out.   But we can feel like the powerless one, the one who is excluded, rejected, shut out.  If any one of these strikes a chord with you, perhaps that is something to talk to God about.  If a long forgotten memory surfaces, even if it is painful or shaming, talk to God, He will help you to get a different perspective on you memory, He will bring comfort, healing or forgiveness, calming whatever emotion arises.  Maybe your memory is a happy one - give thanks to God as He causes you to recall it.

Last week we thought about a hidden door.  Over the next week or two, we’ll be thinking on Wednesdays about the key that locks or unlocks the door, we’ll be thinking about the hinges that may or may not need oiling.  We’ll consider walls pretending to be doors (any JK Rowling fans will detect a reference to Harry Potter there).  We’ll be thinking about listening for the knock, the different types of knock, and about our knocking on the door.  We’ll be thinking about opening doors and how doors lead to changes. 

My prayer is that at least one aspect of all this will lead you into a deep conversation with God about something that He reveals to you as you take time to become vulnerable in the presence of our loving, heavenly Father.

May God continue to bless us as we seek to deepen our relationship with Him and with each other.

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