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Sunday, 14 June 2020

Fairies in the woods

Fairy Magic.

Of course, we all know that there are no such things as fairies, but try telling that to a young child, especially if they have recently visited Ashworth valley. Ashworth valley is a beauty spot on the edge of Rochdale and during the weeks of lockdown, multiple faires have been living there.
I am not sure how the fairies first came to appear in the valley but during the lockdown, the fairy garden has enthralled many children and adults.
I was sad to learn the fairy garden has now been demolished but so pleased I was fortunate enough to visit the fairies with my grandson Archie before this happened.
Below, one of several trees adorned with fairy doors and their belongings.

 where part of the fairy garden as well

Archie gets excited when he sees a van with a ladder on top of the roof and so was extremely happy to find a fairy ladder and help the fairy climb it!

Yesterday I walked into Norden village and spotted this tree. The flowers which were like little orange balls looked beautiful in the spring sunshine.
Judging by the number of bees on it, it was a real magnet to them. Any gardeners amongst you who can tell me what it is, please?

I have mentioned in a previous blog about Canon Marcia Wall and yesterday at the start of evening prayer she asked if I anything had happened this week that you would always treasure the memory of.
I thought yes it has because yesterday I saw my two granddaughters who I  haven't seen since before lockdown. It was wonderful to see them and spend some time with them.  I shall always treasure the memory.
Thank you, God, for our families.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you were able to see your granddaughters. It must have been an amazing reunion.
