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Sunday, 26 June 2016

Alan's First Mass

Alan with his training incumbent Rev Canon Rachel Mann and Bishop Mark

Before the service, Bishop Mark blessed Alan's Stole and Chasuble

Alan certainly took the people of St Nicholas' outside their comfort zone as the service was Very High Church with him wearing a Biretta and the use of incense.  During the service, Bishop Mark preached and Alan was careful to remember all of those people who are part of his spiritual journey; he was very kind about the people of Hey, 20 of whom were at the service. 


Ingrid was Baptised today

Alan's Ordination

Alan's ordination to the priesthood at the cathedral yesterday

Monday, 20 June 2016


The latest edition of the newsletter is available to view on the web site you can see it here

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Mission Action Plan

The MAP process is part of the broader work being undertaken in the Diocese of Manchester. You may remember the first part of the “Run the Race” initiative; this is “the Next Lap” to ensure that parishes are “Fit for Mission”. This means looking at structures and resources to make sure we can fulfil our role in society and achieve the mission we aim for in our own communities. 

The MAP can be viewed here


Our WWI remembrance page has been updated, you can view it here


Jed was Baptised today

Sunday, 5 June 2016