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Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Jubilee celebration displays by the young people

Year 2, Hey with Zion School

Sunday School


St John Brownies

Sunday School


St John Brownies

St John Guides

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Father Richard to be made Canon

Father Richard has been given the honour of becoming an Honorary Canon of Manchester Cathedral.  He said he did not understand why, but the congregation are well aware that his work in the Parish and the Diocese has been recognised.  From now on he will be known as the Rev'd Canon Richard Hawkins.  The installation service will be in September at the Cathedral.  Congratulations from us all.

Monday, 28 May 2012

Jubilee Garden Party

A good time was had by all

Rev Canon Richard Hawkins with the "Nippies"

Richard with his naughty girls

A nice cooling Pimms

Our unexpected guests of honour; otherwise Hazel and Eddie

The lovely cake made by Eileen Whitehead